So this is the game that scared tom and toonami couldn't rate......Well lets see how scary this game "Really" is.
So most of the game your fine your just a 8 year old girl with a flash light lost in pennsylvania...The real game begins when u pull off a note such as this.
After this u will hear thumps thinking its just your fat next door neighbor is comming over your house. But the only thing close to being "scary" is the random DUMMMMMMM Sound when slender is close by you. Just look at the fence or the sky your pretty much safe but for some reason he grabbed me by the tentical and then saw his well...mmmm
So yeah...The game is not scary at all i think tom isn't a fan of horror but heres what i can say is scary the case on slender man either being real or not is pretty creepy. Luckly he goes only after children according to legend!
So I Hope you enjoyed and i'll see you guys sunday for another post.