Saturday, August 25, 2012

I was never the romance watching type of guy but this show was too good for me to pass up.

This anime is called Welcome to the nhk......and after the 1st episode i was interested so i continue to the next 5 on the same day and after that i was hooked so i went and watched the whole thing in 1 whole day.

I must say it was the most beautiful 24 hours i ever watched of any anime besides angel beats...This anime did something different though. As angel beats warmed my heart and made me cry like crazy, This anime made my heart feel like it was a volcano and i know something wrong when i feel this way cause my heart is a black hole sadly...but its what i felt.

Through out the whole show i was watching everything, it made me laugh:

It made me cry

As the story passes off to funny it know when to put the sad moments in just right and my god did i cry to see Misaki get hurt or concerned....i hate to see when a face like this(look below text) is sad tears my heart right out.

And there were even moments where i wanted to punch Satou in the face for being such an idiot! BAKA SAMA!!!!!

This anime changed my out look on a lot of things but it also gave me a new respect for the nerds cause Yamazaki was the best character in the whole show..An otaku who has everything espically a temper and cool amount of H+ games mangas and even figurines...

I guess ill end this post with how this is my new favorite anime because the meaning really touched me...would not recommend this to kids or anyone lower then 18 at least  but this anime will change your life and i wish to see a beautiful girl like Misaki shes the definition of the perfect girl in every way. ;W;

So adorable i mean she went out of her way to do this to the guy she that's what we need from you girls....take notes serious notes.........

Her 1st heart can't take it.....End of post see you next time!!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Alot of times friends are great to have and give good advice but sometimes they can also not give such good advice.

Now a good sum of my friends are trolls as well as a good amount are well normal people from the world. Now normally trolling makes our convos fun on skype and everyones ok with it. Not everyone there really trolls so we can't say for sure everyones to blame. Regardless i normally let the issue go as a mature young man but this time shits alil real right now and the fact of the matter is what sets me off more then hurt feelings is when you point the finger at me for something i have not done! Really that in itself shows lack of maturity and the fact behind the matter is its unfair and really unbecoming. Today convos seem really off, bland and depressing. i hate it when theres a black cloud around the sheep. Yes i am guilt of being a black cloud sometimes and often moody but i have been working on that. Somedays i really wounder what makes someone off to hit people. I feel like punching them i really really do. But today im considering it to take it easy and join calls alil less just so my sanity doesn't start snapping then it already is.

So today ill make soul Calibur V day. Later at night have a call with my best friend and carlos and play my good dating sim. I love life when you have control.

What really triggered this is 1 sided  argurements of cailms some true and some false always being under 1 side. Not only uncool for someone to do but also make them look like the ass in the long run.

Fights happen feelings get hurt we move on we don't need a referee for people who can handle this...So for those who read this or friends who were there earlier in this fight reading this....
This is what u made skype.

If i ever get thrown in something like this again im just gonna leave let me fist out with my pillow and or heavy bag till it busts and then later at night talk to those who want to do anything with me. Dont call me a liar or say stuff about me that isn't true cause then your not only trigging a childish wrath in me but a really dark hole not even i want to be in. 

Now im going to finish this bar and try this again ok?

Have a nice day~

Monday, August 6, 2012

Well guys guess whos fucking pissed pardon the language parents and or butthurts that are reading this!

Well to start off why i'm so upset is because i was just on the webs minding my own business u know chatting with friends, making videos all that kind of stuff i get on Facebook AKA

and see that I AM FORCED into having this
A stupid timeline feature and to add on to it all your info gets put all over no matter what you do. EVEN TAKING A POO ON THE TOILET!!!!!
If this is what facebook is becoming then no offense to my friends i known forever but i might not use it anymore! So yeah other then that good news i will have megaman x collection in my hands and then be able to do the lets play of MegamanX 4 as i wanted! :]
I had an amazing graduation party as well as a kiss after it and my day went good still have cake and about 97% of the food. so yeah thanks to all who came and for those who are reading this right now. 


Your Info is yours screw the jerkoffs that are trying to get in your pants.